
Walls can be placed in the simulation area. In this version of wavefront there are two primitive types of walls: rectangles and circles. Walls can be placed using the place tool.

All wall types have the following properties:

  • Reflection factor (0-1): The reflection factor determines how much of the wave is reflected when it hits the wall. A reflection factor of 0 means that the wave is absorbed completely, while a reflection factor of 1 means that the wave is reflected completely.
  • Hollow (true/false): If a wall is hollow, wave propagation is allowed inside the wall. This can be useful for creating complex waveguides or rooms.

Rectangle Walls

Rectangular walls are defined by two points: the top-left and bottom-right corners of the rectangle. The reflection factor and hollow properties are applied to the entire rectangle.

Circle Walls

Circular walls are defined by a center point and a radius. The reflection factor and hollow properties are applied to the entire circle.

For hollow circular walls, an Opening angle can be defined. This angle determines the opening of the circle in degrees. The opening angle is measured from the center of the circle to the left and right sides of the opening. This opening can be shifted by defining an offset angle called Rotation angle.